Big Fat joints are for Noobs and is a Myth!
Why you should be aiming for Slim Skinny Joints because Fat Joints are a Myth!
So I have been smoking bud my whole life and shared a joint with many random people, both new and veteran rollers, who share the same passion for smoking bud as me.
Now during our ceremony of puff-puff pass, many a times, especially with new people, some random guy will start telling stories about how he makes the biggest and fattest joints in the world, which are the size of a missile and is so heavy that 2 guys are needed just to hold the damn thing up. Then he would continue his story about how stoned they got because of it and how they ended up doing the weirdest and cringiest things after that. People reading this surely know what Iam talking about, you can’t miss these people! I mean when you listen to them, all you can do is keep a fake smile on your face and just pray for him to shut up and hope for the joint to end fast.
The truth is, rolling Long Slim Skinny Joints requires skill! Anyone can roll a fat joint! just throw shit in, struggle trying to roll it and somehow, anyhow voila! You got a bazooka in-hand, perfect for your Insta feed and stories.
But making a crisp, tight, thin masterpiece requires a lot of practice and patience! (or you could just use a Banana Roller)
I mean it should be obvious, something big and fat throwing out smoke like an industrial chimney should be better than something thin and light right? Non-smokers would fall for this myth instantly and even new smokers do, but only the veterans know, that a thin slow burning joint is the best, it saves your bud, makes the session last longer, and you can control the smoke you want to inhale easily without a burned toasted throat.
It’s a myth that Fat Joints gives you a better high, because in reality, fat joints are only a way to waste weed and end up looking like a noob Infront of true rollers.
Yeah this depicts exactly the kind of guys we are talking about.
Now there are those people, who are true smokers, and I mean it. They will smoke every day, all day, at work, bathroom, alone, with friends, morning, lunch breaks, after dinner etc, these guys know their shit and smoking weed has become a lifestyle for them.
Ask any of these guys and they will agree that just a few hits from a thin, slow burning joint is enough to get you high. Plus, you can easily control how ‘high’ you want to be when you are smoking ‘manageable’ joints. A ‘few puffs’ to make you feel good and go on doing your daily business, and when the time or mood arise, just double those ‘few puffs’ and you are back in the milky way, calmly watching asteroids passing near Earth.
Baby Yoda knows his shit
A daily smoker knows, including me and many others I know of, the best way to go on about including weed in your everyday lifestyle or even occasionally is to go the Skinny way.
You make a good Long Slim Skinny joint in the morning, light it up, take some hits, extinguish it, pocket it and repeat this process throughout the day.
This way we make our joints and weed last much longer, inhale in less smoke overall, and get the same consistent high whenever we feel like it. Now this won’t be possible with those crazy fat dicks people aim for! I mean half of the time those things are burning like incense cones, it burns much faster than you can actually smoke it, smells so much that the whole neighbourhood gets to know you love your weed, plus the wastage! OMG the wastage! You could easily get the same high by only using 1/5th of the weed on a Slim skinny joint.
Making crazy big joints is just a dumb way to waste away precious weed, and that’s disrespectful! Ain’t no place or respect for a guy who doesn’t respect weed in this world.
People while still believing the myth of fat joints
Use only a few grams of nicely grinded weed while making a long slim joint, take a few deep hits, give it sometime to settle in the blood stream, and no matter where you’re at, a party or at your lunch break, you will realise you get the same high as if you smoked the fattest joint in the world. If your resistance is high, just take a few more hits, hell smoke that whole thing up! You would soon realise that how much you’re actually saving and how manageable and easier it really is.
You can also extinguish a slim joint midway and store it in a matchstick box or wallet (or your Banana Roller) so you can re-light it whenever. You can’t ever extinguish a fat joint and store it as it will just start to crumble, break and the weed will start to fall out everywhere.
Slim joints also last much longer, for at least 15 minutes if made properly, as they simply don’t burn away to air, just take your hits on that bud slow and easy and I guarantee you will realise how Slim Skinny joints are the way to go!
A perfect clean crisp skinny joint to start your day or party with!
Trust me guys, try and start rolling Skinny slim joints, whoever I have told and taught this to has thanked me till date.
In a get together, you can get more than 4 people high by rolling a Single Long Slim Slow burning joint, rather than making a fat joint using 4 times the weed and getting like 2 people high. By using Slim Skinny Joints in rotations, you can get people stoned much quicker and before your slow burning masterpiece actually even finishes, most people will just decide to quit in-between because they would have had enough, leaving you and some hardcore guys to have it all for yourself!
Now, I agree that the hand technique is ego satisfying, but those things to satisfy are for beginners and noobs. Honestly, for me and true smokers, now it’s all about efficiency, ease and a hassle-free routine, and for this, you should just use a Banana Roller to get that exact thickness you wish for, that perfect shape and crispy rolls every time within seconds, rather than rolling with your hands like a freakin caveman and ending up with inconsistent and loose weirded out sticks.
Have a good night sleep with a perfect crisp skinny roll tonight
A video of making joints using the Banana Roller is attached below, you have to see it to believe it.
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